As the third branch of government, the court system provides for the orderly settlement of disputes between parties in controversy, determines the guilt or innocence of those accused of violating laws, and protects the rights of individuals. It is made up of people whose goal is to serve the public, and to provide access to justice.
To learn more about the court system in Contra Costa County, California, click on the link to the fact sheet that interests you:
To learn more about the court system in Contra Costa County, California, click on the link to the fact sheet that interests you:
- 1. Alternative Dispute Resolution
- 2. Americans Disabilities Act
- 3. Courts And Their Cases
- 4. Case Type Definitions
- 5. Court Contact Information
- 6. Court Locations and Services
- 7. Interpreters
- 8. Jury Duty
- 9. Jurisdiction
- 10. May I Help You? (JC Form MC-800)
- 11. Restraining Orders (including DVRO)
- 12. Self-Help Workshops and Clinics
- 13. Traffic
- 14. Trial Court Personnel
- 15. Virtual Self Help Law Center – Centro Virtual de Ayuda Legal
- 16. Volunteer Program
- 17. Web Resources for Schools and Teachers
- 18. Federal Court vs. California Court