It is the policy of the Superior Court of California, County of Contra Costa, to ensure that persons with disabilities have equal and full access to the judicial system. Court staff shall make every effort to assist individuals requesting reasonable accommodations in accordance with California Rule of Court, Rule 1.100.

How to make a Request for Accommodations

Requests for accommodations may be presented in writing, on a form approved by the Judicial Council [Request for Accommodations by Persons with Disabilities, MC-410] or orally as the court may allow. Applications may be made to the ADA Coordinator, at the designated Office of the Clerk, to the courtroom clerk where the proceeding will take place, or to the judicial officer who will preside over the proceeding.

The Court’s ADA Coordinator will, as needed, engage in an interactive dialogue with the individual requesting accommodation(s) about possible options for reasonably accommodating an individual with a disability. This process includes ascertaining the individual’s limitations and determining how they could be overcome with a reasonable accommodation, as well as identifying potential accommodations and assessing their effectiveness. Both the individual and the Court are required to participate in this process in good faith.

The Court will promptly inform the applicant of the determination to grant or deny an accommodation request. If the accommodation request is denied in whole or in part, the response will be in writing.

Court ADA Coordinator

Teri Branco
ADA Coordinator
P.O. Box 431
Martinez, CA 94553

Phone: (925) 608-2606
Fax: (925) 608-2662

Lactation Policy for Jurors, Attorneys and Court Users

It is a policy of this Court to provide a suitable place to express milk to all persons who are employees, jurors, attorneys and court users who have official business in the court and who request such access.

Access to a lactation space shall be permitted Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Lactation schedules vary. A reasonable amount of time to accommodate persons desiring to express breast milk will be provided. Judicial Officers and court staff with knowledge of the accommodation should keep the information confidential.

Public requests for access to lactation spaces should be made to the court’s ADA Coordinator at as far in advance of the need as possible. To assist the court in providing a prompt response, requests should include the date(s) and time(s) of the requested access, the nature of the business with the court and the applicable court location(s). The Request for Accommodations form MC-410 can be used to submit the request for access.

Other Helpful Information

  • Q. When should the request be made?
  • A. A request for accommodation should be made as far in advance as possible, and in any event, should be made no less than five court days prior to the to the date needed. The court may, in its discretion, waive this requirement.
  • Q. Who can make the request?
  • A. Any lawyer, party, witness, juror, or any other individual with an interest in attending any proceeding before any court of this state may make a request for accommodations.
  • Q. What information should be in the request?
  • A. All applications for accommodations shall include a description of the accommodation sought, along with a statement of the impairment that necessitates such accommodation. The court, in its discretion, may require the applicant to provide additional information about the qualifying impairment.
  • Q. Is the request for accommodations available to the general public for viewing?
  • A. Confidentiality applies to the identity of the applicant in all oral or written communications, including all files and documents submitted by an applicant as part of the application process. Limited exceptions to this rule may apply. For example, if a continuance of a hearing or trial is requested as an accommodation, it may be necessary to give the opposing party notice of the request. See Vesco v. The Superior Court of Ventura County (2013) 221 Cal.App.4th 275.
  • Q. What accommodations can the court make?
  • A. Accommodations may include making reasonable modifications in policies, practices, and procedures; furnishing, at no charge, to persons with disabilities, auxiliary aids and services, equipment, devices, materials in alternative formats, readers, or certified interpreters for persons with hearing impairments; relocating services or programs to accessible facilities; or providing services at alternative sites.